mar 2024 micro
- let's try this again
- i've spent the past night and morning fixing a bunch of the css on this site - nothing should look different, but there are a whole lot fewer style tags lying around
- less whitespace too, and it should look a bit nicer when you hit ctrl+u
- i felt a bit anthropologized when, the other day, a study seemed to show that people don't even want free subscriptions to local newspapers - but one of the papers in the study was our local union-busting rag, which many people wouldn't use to wipe their ass
- it's been a kind of avant-garde morning
- the other day i tried some sam adams winter lager and hand over heart it tasted exactly like those baby food cereal puffs
- speaking of though, yesterday i finally found a liquor store with suntory in stock
- i don't think the neocities homepage should have social features, we should just be emailing each other
- met a really interesting delirious guy today
- i'm considering starting to lie to people about what i do to avoid followup questions
- fucked and ghosted by amtrak
- my week is ruined but at least i'm not the guy whose year is ruined
- one guy on the train is explaining leroy to his friend and another is teaching his buddy how to castle on a mini chessboard
- i forgot to wear green today
- that's 20 blog entries in 3 and a half years
- i gave myself a day's tolerance on either end and forces beyond my control stole both of them from me. vindicated, but at what cost?
- currently experiencing the worst roadtrip playlist of all time
- phantom fireworks, located just outside warlordsburg
- isn't it kind of odd that chopsticks still haven't taken off outside of southeast asian cuisine?
- got microaggressed twice in a week for using firefox
- i've unintentionally been taking kind of a tolerance break from music
- no product placement here but i just recently started using a morning face wash and i can't believe how much better i feel afterwards